Sunday, October 26, 2014

Episode #47 - Angela Catalano (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)

"We've been trying to think what can challenge people, 
but also what fits in the aesthetic of the city as well."

If movie theaters are dying and 35mm is turning into a rarity, it's great to know that there are resistance fighters like Angela Catalano, who along with Travis Bird, founded a repertory cinema in New Orleans, Louisiana. Peter sits down with the co-founder of Shotgun Cinema to discuss her original passion for cinephilia in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and her work as the program manager for the city's regional film festival. We also talk about the challenges and pleasures of repertory programming in a city in a changing Hollywood landscape, and the influence of tax breaks in New Orleans's cinema culture. Finally, they discuss The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, a perfect horror movie—perhaps because it's completely unaware of any horror tropes.

0:00-2:14 Opening
3:03-7:22 Establishing Shots - The Color of Pomegranates 
8:05-54:20 Deep Focus - Angela Catalano
55:02-56:32 Mubi Sponsorship - Hatchet for the Honeymoon
57:55-1:15:59 Double Exposure - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Tobe Hooper)
1:16:02-1:17:41 Close

Check out Shotgun Cinema and Read Angela on the blog.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was recently released on Blu-Ray.